Shocker NXT Frame > Tech index > Shocker NXT > Parts of a Shocker -> Frame

The frame of the Shocker is the grip / handle section. Its main function is to give you a platform with which to shoot (by holding it in your hand) but the frame also serves to cover and protect the marker's electronics and solenoid assembly.
Frame Frame

The frame on a Shocker NXT is a redesigned version of the SFT model frame. Even though an older SFT frame will fit on a Shocker NXT, the NXT frame is incompatible with the older markers. The Shocker NXT frame is held onto the body by two 10-32 x 1/2" screws, which accept a 5/32" allen wrench for removal and disassembly.
Warning The only concern you need to keep in mind regarding the frame is caution during reassembly to the body. If done incorrectly the wire harness will get pinched and damage the electronics. This is explained in further detail on the powerswitch actuator page.

NXT Trigger Rest:
The main functional difference between the NXT frame and its older counterparts is the addition of the trigger rest component behind the trigger. This is a metal piece that is used to set the trigger's adjustments, using the trigger set screws. The rest place is held into the middle of the frame using a 6-32 x 5/16" screw, same as the grip panels, with a "button" screw head that accepts a 5/64" allen wrench for removal. There is also a 1/8" diameter pin that is used to balance the exact position of the trigger rest within the middle of the frame.
Trigger rest Trigger rest

The use of the trigger rest component prevents triggers made for the Shocker SFT from functioning correctly in the Shocker NXT frame.

Aftermarket Frames:
At the moment there are no NXT-only aftermarket frames available. As stated, frames from a Shocker SFT or Nerve will work, however they might not look correct cosmetically.

Related Links:
· Triggers
· Powerswitch actuator
· Lower circuit boards
· Solenoid

· Caution must be taken when reassembling the frame, due to the wire harness getting caught.
· NXT frames will not fit on a Shocker SFT; SFT frames will fit on a Shocker NXT.
· Shocker NXT frames use a new trigger rest component that prevents them from working with SFT triggers.