Shocker NXT NoX Unleashed Board > Tech index > Shocker NXT > Electronics adjustment > NoX Unleashed Board Adjustment

Users of the NoX Shocker board can use this page (or their NoX manual) to operate and adjust it.

Note: This is only a guide for HOW to adjust the board. Information regarding WHERE to set adjustments at can be found on the Setting Electronics and Pressure mainpage.

Upgrading: This is the most current version programming available.

Original manual: NoX Shocker board

Board Operation:
To activate the board, push and hold the power button until the LEDs light up (approx 1/4 second). The board will instantly be ready to fire and the eyes will be enabled. If the eyes detect a loaded ball in place, the board will allow you to fire; if there isn't a ball loaded then it won't fire. There isn't a forced shot like the stock boards (which is used to clear the chamber...this is only necessary on the stock boards).

Pushing and holding the power button for one second will disable the eyes. The power button and grip panel LED patterns will change when this happens. You can reactivate the eyes by pressing and holding the power button for another one second until the LEDs change again. There is a separate adjustment for the eyes on and eyes off rate of fire. With the eyes on, you can force a shot by holding the trigger for half a second if no ball is loaded (this can be used to clear the chamber, for instance).

Pressing and holding the power button for two seconds (or until the LEDs go dim) will turn the board off.

The board tracks the movement of the bolt from shot to shot and uses this informaiton to optimize the firing cycle and tell if there's an eye problem or not. Therefore, if you aren't actually cycling the bolt with paint and air while the eyes are active, the ROF will be put into fault mode and the max speed will be capped. The board will fire much faster when there is paint and air present.

LED Patters:
The power button LED will indicate board status through one of these three patterns:
LED blinking: ball in breech; ready to fire
Rapid flashing: eyes faulted
Slow blinking: eyes disabled

Power Switch Functions:
At any time, the power switch can be used to check the max ROF of the last string you fired, or verify the battery strength.
Pushing the power button once will check the max ROF of the last string of six or more shots that you've fired, if the tournament lock is off. This will blink to you in balls-per-second using the grip panel LED (it will blink green).
Pushing the power button once will check the current battery strength if the torunament lock is on. The battery strength will show up using the grip panel LED. One of three colors will show, depending on the strength (green=good battery; yellow=fair battery; red=bad battery).

All settings are stored electronically. To adjust the programming, the tournament lock must be off. This is controlled by pressing a push-button switch on the surface of the board while the board is on. Pressing the switch toggles between locked and unlocked. When the board is locked, the grip panel LED will flash red; when unlocked the LED flashes green.

NoX programming

It is very important that you carefully read through the instructions for this board. It is easy to get confused if adjusting it for the first time.

1. To enter programming mode, turn the board on while holding the trigger. Keep the trigger compressed until the LED goes out, then release it. If you have done this successfully, the grip panel LED will show a solid red color (this denotes the first setting in the programming mode).
2. The grip panel LED is used in correspondance with the trigger to adjust the settings. Clicking the trigger will cycle through a list of timing settings, each denoted by a number and color combination of the grip panel LED. When you select a setting to adjust, the grip panel LED will blink back the number corresponding to that setting. For instance, the first will blink once (fire mode), the second setting will blink twice (eye mode), the third will blink three times (dwell), etc. The settings also correspond to colors to help keep you on track.
3. To check what a setting is currently set at, select the setting then hold the trigger down until the LED turns teal. As soon as it does, release the trigger and the LED will blink the current setting amount then return you to the programming menu. If you hold the trigger too long the board will think you're trying to adjust the setting instead of view it.
4. Once you arrive on your desired setting to adjust noted by the LED number/color, hold the trigger down until the grip panel LED turns teal then turns off. When you release the trigger, the LED will blink the "minimum setting" in red. The minimum setting is the number that you will add to, in order to input the new setting. For instance dwell is adjusted from 5-25 milliseconds, therefore the minimum setting for dwell will be 5. Settings that don't have a minimum setting won't blink anything at all, those that start at "1" will blink once, etc etc.
4. Once the minimum setting blinks to you, you have two seconds to click the trigger to input the new setting along with the minimum. The LED will red to signify when a trigger click has been noted. For instance, if you wish to set dwell to 10-ms, the minimum amount of 5 will blink, then you will click the trigger another 5 times to reach 10 total.
5. When you reach your desired amount, wait for two seconds, then the new setting will be stored. You will then be returned to the programming menu where you can adjust another setting to alter.
6. When you're done programming, hold the power switch for two seconds to exit programming mode. You can then push it again to turn the board back on to shoot, if needed.

Listed here is a List of the grip panel LED color/numbers along with the corresponding setting.

Color: Num: Description: Range: Default:
red 1 Fire mode 1-13 1 (Semi)
white 2 Eye mode 1-4 1 (delayed shot)
blue 3 Dwell 5-25 milliseconds 13-ms
yellow 4 Debounce setting 1-15 5
purple 5 Loader delay 1-20 milliseconds 3
green 6 AMB setting 0-10 3
red 7 ABS dwell 0-15 milliseconds 0 (off)
white 8 ROF eyes on 14-25 bps
blue 9 ROF fine adjust 0; 0.25-bps; 0.5-bps; 0.75-bps 2 (0.5-bps)
yellow 10 ROF eyes off 8-14 bps 12-bps
purple 11 Ramp activation speed 4-12 bps 8-bps
green 12 Linear ramp level 11-30 (1.1 - 3.0) 15 (1.5)
red 13 Burst shot count 2-4 shot burst 3 shot
white 14 Mode modifier 1-4 1 (none)
blue 15 Auto-shutdown timer 1-7 2 (10 min)
yellow 16 Color palette 1-7 5 (blue)
purple 17 Eye sense 1 reflective; 2 beam-break 1 (reflective)

Fire mode (red 1): The following modes are available:
1 - Tournament semiauto (unlimited ROF, no mode modifier).
2 - Tournament semiauto (capped ROF, no mode modifier).
3 - Tournament PSP three-shot burst: the first three shots are semiauto, afterwards additional shots will fire in PSP burst as long as the activation speed is hit. One second reset buffer; no mode modifier
4 - Tournament NXL fullyauto: the first three shots are semiauto, afterwards the trigger can be held down for fullyautomatic fire. One second reset buffer; no mode modifier.
5 - Tournament PSP Millennium ramp; the first three shots are semiauto, afterwards additional shots are ramped up to the ROF setting as long as you fire the minimum ramping speed. One second reset buffer; no mode modifier
6 - Semiauto, unlimited ROF with mode modifier.
7 - Semiauto, capped ROF with mode modifier.
8 - Autoresponse; fires on pull and release of trigger.
9 - Burst mode (adjusted in setting 13 red).
10 - Fullyauto
11 - Step ramp; the rate of fire will instantly increase to the maximum once the ramp activation speed is reached.
12 - Linear ramp; the rate of fire is gradually increased according to the linear ramp scale (adjusted in setting 12 green).
13 - Semiauto training mode; this mode will allow you to fire three shots in semiauto then will pause for a minimum of one full second before allowing another three shots. This is used to encourage being conservative on paint useage.
Please note that all modes are called using the ROF adjustments, except where otherwise noted.
The mode modifier will effect all modes except the "tournament" ones (modes 1-5)

Eye mode (white 2): There are several eye modes to choose from:
1 - Delayed shot: Board will wait 1/2 second for a ball to load.
2 - Dropped shot: Automatically fire after 1/2 second if nothing loads.
3 - Eye check disabled: The eye validation is disabled in this mode, to allow the maximum cycline speed for tuning and other operations. It isn't suggested that you play using this mode, to avoid chopping and eye problems.
4 - Eyes disabled: The eyes are completely disabled in this mode. ROF capped at 20-bps automatically.

Dwell (blue 3): Dwell is the amount of time the solenoid remains open, thus the time the bolt remains forward. Dwell is measured in milliseconds and can be adjusted between 5 and 25-ms. Note that most aftermarket Shocker bolt kits require a higher dwell setting, which can be viewed on the Shocker electronics mainpage. Never set your dwell below 6 milliseconds as the solenoid is not designed to cycle at this rate.
How many miliseconds long is my dwell if I had my stock board set to chirps?

Debounce setting (yellow 4): This is the electronic switch debounce setting and is used to tune out any switch noise that may cause unwanted bounce. This is an adaptive debounce system that doesn't use a timer setting to operate; it is adjusteded between 1 and 15.

Loader delay (purple 5): Loader holdoff is the amount of time that the board will wait to accept new trigger events, after the paintball has been detected in the chamber. Loader holdoff is measured in milliseconds and can be adjusted between 1 and 20.

AMB setting (green 6): This is a setting used to help prevent the trigger switch from bouncing closed and open due to recoil by the marker firing. AMB can be adjusted between 0 and 10. A setting of 0 will disable the AMB feature.

ABS dwell (red 7): ABS is a feature that will add a certain number of milliseconds to the dwell amount of the first shot you fire, if the marker rests idle for 20 seconds or more. This added dwell is designed to prevent any sort of pneumatically-created FSDO (first shot drop off). ABS is adjustable from 0 to 15 milliseconds. Note that a setting of 0 will disable the ABS feature.

ROF eyes on (white 8): This setting applies to all the capped firing modes. ROF is adjusted between 14 and 25 balls-per-second. If this is set to "26" it will set the cap to unlimited.

ROF fine adjust (blue 9): This is used to fine-tune the ROF amount into decimal equivalents. For instance if the rate of fire is set to 15-bps and the fine adjustment is set to "1", the rate of fire will total 15.25-bps.
0 - no fine adjustment.
1 - 0.25-bps added to ROF.
2 - 0.5-bps added to ROF.
3 - 0.75-bps added to ROF.

ROF eyes disabled (yellow 10): This is the maximum rate of fire while the eyes are faulted or disabled. It is adjusted between 8 and 14 balls-per-second.

Ramp activation speed (purple 11): Using the Step ramp or Linear ramp modes, this is the speed that must be reached to activate the ramping mode. It is adjusted between 4 and 12 balls-per-second.

Linear ramp level (green 12): This is the scale of ramp addition that is used for the linear ramping mode. Linear ramping works by multiplying the pull speed with this number to get the actual rate of fire. It is adjusted between 1.1x and 3.0x the actual pull speed in 0.1x increments (therefore this is adjusted between 11 and 30). For example a setting of 11 will equal 1.1x, 12 will equal 1.2x, etc etc.

Burst shot count (red 13): This is the number of shots that will make up the burst mode. Adjusted between 2, 3, or 4-shot burst.

Mode modifier (white 14): These settings can be used to enhance the current firing mode (6-12 only).
1 - no mode modifier.
2 - First three shots are semiautomatic before mode engages; one second reset buffer.
3 - First shot is semiauto, second shot is fullyauto if held down.
4 - First three shots are semiauto, fourth shot is fullyauto if held down.

Auto-shutdown timer (blue 15: The board will use this setting to control the auto-shutdown feature, where the board deactivates after a certain amount of inactivity.
1 - Five minutes.
2 - Ten minutes.
3 - Fifteen minutes
4 - Twenty minutes.
5 - Thirty minutes.
6 - One hour.
7 - auto-shutdown disabled.

Color palette (yellow 16): This is the color scheme that is displayed by the grip panel LED while the board is active. Each color palette setting is based off one color alternating with other colors to denote board status.
1 - red
2 - yellow
3 - green
4 - teal
5 - blue
6 - purple
7 - white

Eye sense (purple 17): This is the type of eyes that the board will recognize. The reflective setting is default and works with the Smart Parts Shocker and Nerve eyes. Beam-break eyes will work with the Shocker NXT beam-break eyes only.
1 - Reflective
2 - NXT Beam-break

This chart is similar to the one above except it includes the various adjustments that are included as well.

Color: Num: Description: Range: Default:
red 1 Fire mode 1 - Tournament semiauto uncapped
2 - Tournament semiauto capped
3 - Tournament PSP 3-shot burst
4 - Tournament NXL fullauto
5 - Tournament PSP Millennium ramp
6 - Semiauto uncapped
7 - Semiauto capped
8 - Autoresponse
9 - Burst mode
10 - Fully-automatic
11 - Step ramp mode
12 - Linear ramp mode
13 - Semiauto training mode
1 (semiauto)
white 2 Eye mode 1 - Delayed shot
2 - Dropped shot
3 - Eye check disabled
4 - Eyes disabled
1 (delayed shot)
blue 3 Dwell 5-25 milliseconds 13-ms
yellow 4 Debounce setting 1-15 5
purple 5 Loader holdoff 1-20 milliseconds 3
green 6 AMB setting 0-10 3
red 7 ABS dwell 0-15 milliseconds 0 (off)
white 8 ROF eyes on 14-25 bps
blue 9 ROF fine adjust 0 (none)
1 - 0.25-bps
2 - 0.5-bps
3 - 0.75-bps
2 (0.5-bps)
yellow 10 ROF eyes off 8-14 bps 12-bps
purple 11 Ramp activation speed 4-12 bps 8-bps
green 12 Linear ramp level 11-30 (1.1 - 3.0) 15 (1.5)
red 13 Burst shot count 2-4 shot burst 3 shot
white 14 Mode modifier 1 - none
2 - Three-shot
3 - Auto
4 - Three-shot auto
1 (none)
blue 15 Auto-shutdown timer 1 - Five minutes
2 - Ten minutes
3 - Fifteen minutes
4 - Twenty minutes
5 - Thirty minutes
6 - One hour
7 - none
2 (10 min)
yellow 16 Color palette 1 - red
2 - yellow
3 - green
4 - teal
5 - blue
6 - purple
7 - white
5 (blue)
purple 17 Eye sense 1 - reflective
2 - NXT beam-break
1 (reflective)

Factory Reset:
Enter programming mdoe as normal by holding the trigger down when turning the board on. Continue to hold the trigger for ten seconds until the LED goes white. Release the trigger and you will be in the programming menu (red LED to signify the first adjustment mode).

Demonstrational Videos:
In this video, dwell was set to 12-ms and I adjust it to 10-ms. I go through the programming mode but I don't wait for all of them to blink (only the first three or four settings). Please note that, for instance, if you select the 12th setting then the LED will blink 12 times when you select it.
NoX programming (right click, save as)