Custom work - Reptile Shocker Milling Tech index -> Custom Work -> Reptile Shocker Milling

Here's a custom Shocker I made using my unmilled Slug bodies. I call it the Reptile Shocker.

Reptile Shocker
Reptile Shocker

The body actually uses the same geometry as my Spinal Shocker. To make a Reptile body, I machine only the "roughing" operation from the Spinal program. It leaves behind an interesting scalloped shape that resembles something from a crocodile or alligator (in my opinion). It takes considerably less time to mill one of these bodies compared to a Spinal Shocker.

The marker body was made using my latest version of unmilled Slug bodies. Therefore the solenoid inserts have been removed and replaced with a "transfer plate" that accomplishes the same job.

Reptile Shocker; Slug transfer plate